I am delighted to be involved in an amazing new project; “In a New Light”. This Arts Council funded project is looking into endangered crafts and has been set up by Jess Pearson with The north Devon maker series and Edward Crumpton. The project employs a skilled practitioner of an endangered/locally endangered craft, and has them teach an artists or craftsperson who will adopt that skill into their own practice, making the skill a little less endangered.
I am very lucky to be working with the fantastic heritage gilder and Verre-églomisé artist Danni Bradford who is starting to teach me the techniques of oil and water gilding. My first few sessions have been very informative, opening up a whole new range of possibilities which I am looking forward to working with over the coming months as I develop a new range of pieces with this new skill. The project will conclude in the autumn with an exhibition of works by the various craftspeople involved and a series of talks.