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What is Smoked Wood / Fumed Wood

Smoking, or fuming wood, as it is often known, is a technique used to darken and change the colour of woods which are rich in Tannins, such as Oak, Chestnut, Cherry, or Mahogany.

Natural and smoked burr Chestnut
Natural and smoked burr Chestnut


The process of smoking / fuming involves exposing the wood to ammonia gas in a sealed chamber.  The tannins in the wood react with the ammonia causing a chemical reaction which results in the wood darkening and changing colour.  The effect can be really quite dramatic turning a light wood dark very quickly.  Traditionally Oak used to be put into horse manure (rich in ammonia) to create a similar effect!

Once a wood which is rich in tannin has been smoked / fumed, it will retain the new colour.

A smoked chestnut cufflink box by Edward Wild
The smoked chestnut cufflink box by Edward Wild