The Burr Chestnut Jewellery Box


The Burr Chestnut Jewellery box with ancient bog Oak detailing is lined with rippled Sycamore with a Bog Oak and Sycamore Tray.

1 in stock

This item is hand delivered within England by the Maker, Edward Wild. If you live outside the English mainland and you are interested in purchasing this box, please contact Edward Wild directly.


This jewellery box is made from burr Chestnut, with dark bog Oak detailing on the corners. It is lined with rippled Sycamore and bog Oak, with a sycamore and Bog Oak tray. The lid opens to 95° and the box is French polished with a final coat of beeswax.

What is a Burr?

Additional information

Dimensions 28 × 17 × 11 cm

28 cm by 18 cm by 11 cm


Burr Chestnut, Rippled Sycamore, Bog Oak